Field Freesia
Ton Vreugdenhil has 30 years of experience in cultivating cut-Freesias and is well known for his successful varieties ‘Ton sur Ton’ and ‘Ton’s Ten’.
In mid-January Ton introduced a new product: Field Freesia. Field Freesia is a new genetic line of pot-Freesias that remain short naturally with their compact and sturdy growth habit.
Field Freesias are available in 3 colours, mixed in a tray with matching sleeves.

SustainableField Freesias are sustainably cultivated:

Indoors and outdoorsField Freesia for indoors and outdoors:Field Freesia is suitable as a houseplant, terrace plant and flowering plant in the soil of a garden. It doesn’t require much attention if placed away from full sunlight. Freesia does not like frost. |

AvailableField Freesias are available in: